Pond Series
In the Pond Series I’ve photographed a site which is small and modest - anything but dramatic. At most times of day it looks like a murky city pond. But watching by the water’s edge during many late afternoons I’ve witnessed magical permutations. The sinking light falling on the water’s surface revealed depth, patterns, rich darks and intensely bright colors; elongated reflections of trees and their shadows dazzled the surface of the water. I’ve loved the challenge of witnessing the mundane transformed for one fleeting moment - as ‘real’ as any other moment - and capturing that.
*Archival prints available in 12”x18”, 16”x23”, 20”x30” and larger on special order

Quarry Series
For five years I’d obsessed over visually recording the remains of a local marble and granite quarry in Dorset, Vermont. This resulted in a series of photographs based on my impressions of that totally enchanting site. While investigating this subject over time the work has taken various forms. It reflects a journey from realistic observation to near abstraction. Some of these facets can be described in polarized terms: i.e. the early work is strictly observed, the later is abstract; the first images are journalistic, the later ones are metaphysical; an early concentration on mass and form has given way to an emphasis on line and light. Light falling on the quarry walls and on the overgrown trees reflects into the quarry waters in vastly different ways according to the time of day, the type of weather or the time of year. Watching and waiting for the special moments I wanted to capture was a thrilling pursuit. In this series I’ve tried to convey the atmosphere and meaning this strangely beautiful site holds for me and for the few other enthusiastic souls I’ve encountered in my wintry days of photographing.
*Archival prints available in 12”x18”, 16”x23”, 20”x30” and larger on special order